
In accordance with the main direction of its activity and to achieve global goals, including the processes of green transformation and green transition, the UAG posts your news on this page, which you can send to the address:

April 04, 2024, 19:47 Round table meeting on the occasion of the professional holiday “Day of Geologist” at the Institute of Geology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
The Ukrainian Association of Geologists awarded the specialists of the Institute of Geology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

April 02, 2024, 10:16 Plan for the implementation Ukraine Facility 2024-2027
The Ukraine Facility is the European Union’s financial assistance programme for Ukraine. During the period of 2024-2027, 50 billion euros from the EU will be allocated to finance the state budget (38,27 billion euros), stimulate investment (6,97 billion euros), and provide technical support in the implementation of the program (billion euros).

March 27, 2024, 16:37 The Shortage of Geologists Worldwide: Challenges and Prospects
Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Institute of Geology, warns of a shortage of geologists in the world. This issue is becoming increasingly problematic due to the need for a highly skilled geoscience workforce, especially as the energy sector and technology evolve

March 07, 2024, 10:20 National Report on the Quality of Drinking Water and the State of Drinking Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal in Ukraine in 2022
Prepared in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Drinking Water and Drinking Water Supply," the National Report on the Quality of Drinking Water and the State of Drinking Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal in Ukraine in 2022 is a detailed analysis based on official data. It covers a wide range of topics, including the state of surface and groundwater sources, centralized water supply and wastewater disposal systems, water quality monitoring results, the composition of wastewater discharged into water bodies, and the environmental impact of these discharges

March 04, 2024, 15:32 Global Resources Outlook 2024 Report by UNEP and the International Resource Panel: Urgent Action Required to Prevent Global Resource Crisis
The primary objective of the document is to call for urgent transformative actions to achieve a future based on sustainable resource management and circular economy principles

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