Ukrainian Geologist Journal. № 1-2 (37-38), JANUARY-JUNE, 2012

Kitchka O. Meet AAPG president Paul Weimer (Notes about the lecture on unconventional resources and something beyond the lecture) 5
The program of employment and adapting of the exploration industry professionals to market economy in order to preserve of the human and intellectual potential of the Ukrainian geology 11
They grant children a dream about geology 13
Zaytseva L., Ivanova A., Machulina S. (Kiev), Stukalova I. (Moskow) The future of coal petrography (by materials of the research and practice seminar in Saint Petersburg) 19
Kitchka O. Bucuresti - 2011. Third symposium on Black Sea geology: there are more questions then answers 21
Derevska K. History of Geological museum establishment: remarkable landmarks, events, persons. To 85th anniversary of the foundation 25
Lelyk B. Participation of the Nadra Group in the International scientific and practical conference «Energy-efficient technologies and equipment for enhancement of production, processing and usage of hydrocarbon resources and coal» 34
Yakovlev V. A concept of deep geological storage creation in Ukraine 35
Karmazenko M. A story about how to become the first. «Ukrvybukhbud» 42
Shevchuk V. Perthites as indicators of dynamo-kinematic conditions of rock formations 45
Voytyuk Yu., Kuraeva I., Samchuk A., Karmazinenko S., Manichev V. Peculiarities of geochemical distribution of heavy metals in the vadose zone influenced by emissions of ferrous industry combine plants (case study of Alchevsk city) 51
Mytrokhina T., Mytrokhin O., Zagorodniy V. Geochemistry of Ti-bearing gabbroids of Korosten pluton 58
Staroselskyy E., Rudko G. Petroleum of Amazon syneclise (Brazil) 65
Mykhailov V., Chepil P. Petroleum prospectively of impact structures of Ukrainian shield 72
Nesina N., Zdorovenko M., Shkrob T., Dyachenko K. Visean Carbonate Massif of the Livenska Structure in the Central Part of the Dnieper-Donetsk Depression Southern Near-Edge Zone 83
Zvonok E. Problematic remains of Eocene cetaecean from Nagornoe field (Kirovograd region, Ukraine) and Archaeoceti importance for stratigraphic research 87
Lysny G. Anisotropic decomposition of seismic images 94
Krochak M., Menasova A. New objects of geological heritage of Ukraine (Kaniv dislocations region) 104
Reshetnyk M. Geological nature monuments: historical, scientific and legislation aspects 111
Liventseva G. To the scientific foundation of the formation of youth geological-ecological world outlook 120
Korzhnev M. Problems Of New Geotectonic Conception Creation 127
Gubych I., Krupskyy Yu., Lazaruk Ya., Syrota T. Current aspects of shale gas geology and geochemistry of Volyn-Podillia 135
Savkiv B. Igor Ivanovych Muzychko. The 75th anniversary 142
Leschukh R., Polynyak B., Chepil P. Yu.Z. Krupskyy. The 70th anniversary 144
Rudko Georgiy Illich. The 60th anniversary 146
Savkiv B. B.I. Bokiy – founder of analytic framework of mining enterprise projecting 149
Pashchenko E. Mesozoic fauna of Sivershchyna as collectibles and curative material 152
Tolstoy M. Creative contacts of the geologists of National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv with German geologists (second narration) 157
Baranov P., Shevchenko S., Shklyar O., Chernykh M. Artistry and artistic characters in the semiprecious stones of Karadag 161
Merschiy V. Chornogora Mountain 167
Radzivill O. Not-anniversary. Joint concert of «Vesnyanka» and folk dance group «Cheremosh» from Lviv University 175