Ukrainian Geologist Journal. № 4 (28), OCTOBER-DECEMBER, 2009

Melnik I. International conference and exhibition of European Association of geologists and engineers EAGE 3
Kitchka A. An oriental campaign of EAGE: First international conference on petroleum geology in Islamic Republic of Iran 8
Lelik B. Viflyantsev V. Review of the exhibition «Energy effectiveness – 2009» and International scientific conference «Extraction and using of gas-methane: drawing the investment» 12
Exhibition «The Earth's interior. Minerals» 14
Scientific seminar devoted to10th anniversary of JSC «Ukrpromgeofizika» 16
International forum «Innovations and technologies of the best quality» became the most dimensioned action in the sphere of innovations 17
Oil and gas – 2009 19
Belousova A. Are the technical schools under the threat? 22
Chepizhko A. Geology school in Odessa 28
Larchenkov E. 75th anniversary of geology-geographic faculty of I.Mechnikova national university in Odessa 30

Nekludov D. Borodin I. Data migration of unlongitudinal VSP to construct seismic imaging of the environment with an unknown upper part of the section in areas with complex geological structure 35
Mukhin A. Reshetnikov A. Girman I. Simulation of the field of straight and single- reflected longitudinal and transverse waves in 3-D nonparallel layered environment 44
Stepchenkov U. Reshetnikov A. Girman I. Determination of parameters of environment speed model according to 2D- VSP 49
Ferentsy V. Tabakov A. Sevastyanov L. Fursova E. Eliseev V. Automatic waves selection in model-based VSP data processing 54

Kobolev V., Orovetskyy New system of viewpoints at structural development of the Earth 60
Radzivill A. Kudelya U. The particularities of demonstration of Alpine tectonic-magmatic activity of Ukrainian Shield 72
Stupka O. Oil genesis: metabolic aspect of problem 84
Lepigov G. Guliy V. Oil of Karpinskogo lineament (some aspects of hydrocarbon abiogenous genesis) 93
Rudko G., Kurylo M. Resource and technological criteria of deposit native sulfur exploration 99
Oryschenko I. The global warming as the changeable energy exchange process which is the result of increased space radiation 107

50 years of active life in the State Geological Service of Ukraine. 90th anniversary of Ivan Pivovar 111
85th anniversary of famous Ukrainian paleontologist Nina Vasyluk 114
80th anniversary of Vasyl Grytsyshyn 116
Shostak A. In the field of education (75th anniversary of Victor Shabatin) 119
Prometheus of geology. 50th anniversary of Geychenko M.) 123
Makarenko D. , Zernetskyy B. 90-th anniversary of Georgiy Nemkov 124
Andreeva-Grygorovych A. Semenenko V. Bobrievych Aleksander Pavlovich 128

Sozanskyy V. The first Academies and progress of civilization 129
Zagorodnyuk V. Zhovkva-Krehiv-Stradch 134
Volnenko N. Young geologists from section «Young tourists» (Rivne region) at the Russian Open Field Geological Olympiad in Taganrog (Rostov region) 144