LITHIUM IN THE SUBSOIL OF UKRAINE. Part 5. Mineralogy of lithiumbearing objects: lithium minerals. Pavlyshyn V.I., Cherniyenko N.M.

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April 05, 2024, 17:43

The publication is devoted to the mineralogy of lithium — silicates and phosphates. This article has been published in «Mineralogical Journal» 46 (1)

The publication "Lithium in the depths of Ukraine" is devoted to the mineralogy of lithium — silicates and phosphates, but without lithium micas. The following lithium minerals are characterized in varying detail: eucryptite, elbaite; spodumene; holmquistite; petalite; margarite; donbasite; cukeite; triphillite; lithiophyllite; amblygonite; montebrasite; simferite. The description of these minerals is supplemented by a summary table of the mineral composition of rare metal pegmatites, selected according to the quantitative ratio of the main ore minerals — spodumene and petalite. Spodumene and petalite of Ukrainian pegmatites, in comparison with similar minerals of large global lithium deposits, differ in the following features: 1) smaller sizes of mineral individuals; 2) greater xenomorphism of mineral individuals; 3) a weaker manifestation of isomorphic substitutions of atoms.

Cite as: Павлишин В.І., Чернієнко Н.М. Літій у надрах України. Частина 5. Мінералогія літієносних об’єктів: мінерали літію. Мінерал. журн. 2024. 46, № 1. C. 03—19.

Full text: Mineralogical Journal 46 (1) (in Ukrainian)