
Civil society - the third sector or participatory society - plays a key role in solving socially important problems and implementing global development goals, participating in creation of the future we want. The effectiveness of states depends on the development of society. Different societies pursue different priorities, including security and political stability, socio-economic development, energy independence, technological leadership, demographic growth, etc. The level of openness and transparency of state institutions depends on the ability of civil society to interact with authorities and, if necessary, oppose them; without a strong society, public administration shifts in the direction of an authoritarian model of government that is not under the control of citizens. A developed society through civil institutions advocates the rule of law, protects legal interests, smoothes social contradictions and harmonizes social relations, serves as a source of information for the general public and governments; ensures a balance between the public and commercial sectors; plays the role of a restraining factor in relation to the political power, prevents the violation of laws and excessive interference of the government in the private life of citizens, monitors corruption. In the context of the agenda, non-governmental organizations contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially the social ones, play a key role in monitoring the implementation of the SDGs and ensuring the accountability of governments and the private sector. The main forms of work of public organizations are: advocacy, expert research and informational and educational work.

The main burden of the climate crisis is distributed extremely asymmetrically in the world; civil society mobilizes efforts to bring politicians and businesses to account, to stop the activities of enterprises with a high level of environmental pollution; in response, many countries restrict protest activities, which is contrary to international law. An unstable world requires close interaction with civil society. In many countries, threats to democracy are increasing, civil society is facing increasing restrictions, up to closed isolation, in which access to information, including the Internet, is used intrusively, tracking and surveillance technologies are used, censorship, disinformation and manipulation of public opinion, suppression of protests for rights and justice. Civil societies must have a safe and enabling environment to play their role. For this, a legal basis for the development of civil society as a key partner and consultant of states is necessary, which meets international standards and guarantees the realization of public freedoms and effective access to justice; a political environment that creates favorable conditions for the activities of civil society; access to information; creation of opportunities for civil society participation in decision-making processes; providing long-term support and resources to civil society.

As a part of the global civil society, Ukraine confidently follows the path of developed democracy and actively promotes the development of the entire complex of democratic procedures, in particular, the development of social institutions. Based on this, in 2000, on the initiative of the Ukrainian geological community, the public organization "Ukrainian Association of Geologists" (UAG) was created.

The UAG is a voluntary, independent, transparent, open, public and self-governing public organization that unites its members on the basis of common interests for the exercise and protection of rights and freedoms.

The ideology of SSU is based on commitment to the principles of sustainable development, the awareness that the use of natural resources should ensure the growth of the economy to meet the needs of humanity, without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

UAG’s mission is to unify specialists and students of the geological profile, as well as representatives of other related fields, to promote the development and increase the prestige, promote the economic and social significance of geology, preserve the achievements and traditions of the national geological school, the entry of Ukrainian specialists into the world market, the protection of rights and interests of the Organization's members both in Ukraine and abroad.

The UAG initiates international projects and involves its partners in them. Citizens of many countries, including the European Union, participate in these projects. Many Ukrainian geologists worked and continue to work abroad, acquired new citizenship, but did not break ties with the Union of Geologists of Ukraine. Therefore, according to the composition of its members, the Union is an international public organization.

The UAG of Geologists of Ukraine carries out activities in the following areas:

  • Scientific meetings and conferences organization

    The UAG offers various activities for geologists—from small scientific forums, professional conferences, and round tables to the All-Ukrainian Conferences of Ukrainian Geologists, where global issues of natural resources usage are discussed. These forums, conferences and meetings are held throughout Ukraine. The UAG provides a platform for scientists and practitioners to share the results of their research based on current knowledge and exchange experiences with colleagues.

  • Educational programs

    The program ‘Professional Development of Specialists of Oil and Gas Industry of Ukraine for International Cooperation and Work in Western Companies’ has been operating for 10 years. Foreign companies operating in Ukraine require their employees to have a high qualification level. Ukrainian professionals working abroad also require qualified special training. The professional development program provides such education through lectures, seminars and training sessions.

  • Publication of scientific and popular science journals and books

    The publication of popular science books for young people from the series "Earth subsoils, spiritual subsoils" is continued.

    ‘Oil and Gas Complex of Ukraine’ maps with the scale 1:500 000 are freely available.

  • Research grants accomplishment

    Projects are funded by the EU and aimed at the development of new opportunities through cooperation with educational and professional programs, licensing and authorization procedures, reporting systems, practices of exploration, extraction, processing of raw materials and waste management, etc.

  • UAG’s awards for the best in the profession
  • Teachers/leaders of geological/natural sciences clubs

    To fill the gap in the education of geological/natural sciences, a school course of pre-profile preparation – 'The First Principles of Geology’ – for students in grades 8 to 10 was launched, and successfully implemented in Ukrainian schools. The course includes professional development of teachers alongside developed methodological recommendations and training seminars and geological excursions.

  • Profession-oriented students support

    Working with students is a priority of the UAG. The UAG actively cooperates with young people by assisting them with industry-focused practical training and rewarding the best students with Association awards. Our events connect students and experienced professionals.

  • Promoting public awareness in geological sciences

    The UAG also conducts training and educational outreach activities regarding the rational use of natural resources and protection, conservation, and restoration of the natural environment.