CEEGS Webinar: Challenges and Risks of CO₂ Storage

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May 21, 2024

13 June, 11:00-12:00 CEST

Join us for an insightful discussion on the challenges and risks associated with CO₂ storage, featuring expert speakers from leading research institutions.

This webinar is essential for professionals and researchers involved in CO₂ storage and the energy transition.

CEEGS is a three-year Horizon Europe-funded project aimed at developing cross-sectoral technology to facilitate the energy transition. This technology integrates a renewable energy storage system based on the transcritical CO₂ cycle, CO₂ storage in geological formations, and geothermal heat extraction. The primary goal of the project is to scientifically validate the techno-economic feasibility of this technology, increasing the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) from 2 to 4 by addressing existing gaps at the interface between the surface transcritical cycle and subsurface CO₂ storage.


Webinar Agenda:

  • Welcome by moderator Marko Komac
  • Introduction of CEEGS project
    Speaker: Ricardo Chacartegui
  • Challenges and Risks of CO₂ Storage: Using the Example of the Ketzin Test Site
    Speaker: Cornelia Schmidt-Hattenberger (GFZ)
  • CO₂ Storage Risk Assessment: Experiences from Hontomin / PilotSTRATEGY
    Speaker: Sonsoles Eguilor (CIEMAT)
  • Q&A Session



Participation in the event is free. Please register via the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/ceegs-webinar


About the speakers:

Ricardo Chacartegui is a professor at the Energy Engineering Department of the University of Seville. He obtained his PhD in 2005, and since 2006, he has more than 150 documents registered in Scopus and more than 80 publications in international congresses since 2007. His main research fields are related to energy storage, novel energy systems, and LCE technologies. He has participated in more than 60 projects in collaboration with the industry and he has participated in 9 patents. Ricardo coordinates the Horizon Europe project for energy storage CEEGS, based on transcritical CO₂ energy storage.


Cornelia Schmidt-Hattenberger. Dr. rer. nat. Cornelia Schmidt-Hattenberger received her Diploma degree and her PhD in Physics at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany, in 1988 and 1992, respectively. She leads the working group Geological Storage in the section Geoenergy at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam (Germany). Cornelia has long experience in developing solutions of monitoring techniques for surface and downhole geotechnical applications. Since 2007, her research focus is on electrical resistivity tomography as method for gas (CO₂) migration detection. As a senior research scientist at GFZ she is experienced in leading work packages or subprojects in several national and European projects, as e.g., CO₂SINK, CO₂MAN, COMPLETE, Pre-ACT, SECURe, DACStorE and others. She accompanied the benchmark setting pilot site for CO₂ storage at Ketzin, Brandenburg (Germany) along the whole life-cycle of the storage reservoir until its closure and abandonment phase. Cornelia represents GFZ Potsdam in the European association CO₂GeoNet and in the ISO/TC265 – Carbon dioxide capture, transportation, and geological storage.

Sonsoles Eguilior is a Spanish PhD in Physics with over 20 years of experience at CIEMAT. She specializes in safety and risk assessment and has extensive expertise in developing and applying transport models in complex media. Currently, her primary work involves developing global models to evaluate safety and performance in geological CO₂ storage, as well as in other areas such as underground hydrogen storage and hydraulic fracturing in shale gas. Additionally, she addresses uncertainty related to long-term environmental risks.