«Round table "Modern scientific research of mining geology and geoecology" 2024

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May 23, 2024, 20:52

The Ukrainian Association of Geologists at the «Round table "Modern scientific research of mining geology and geoecology" 2024

The Ukrainian Association of Geologists took an active part in the «Round table "Modern scientific research of mining geology and geoecology" on the occasion of the 5th anniversary reorganization and the 95th anniversary of the State Institution "Scientific Center of Mining Geology, geoecology and infrastructure development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine" and provided informative support to the conference.

The meeting covered project activities of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists (UAG ) within the EU research-and-innovation space, in particular, in the field of geothermal energy. Currently, UAG specialists are involved in the CRM-geothermal project (raw materials from geothermal fluids: occurrence, enrichment, extraction).

UAG is a co-executor of the GSEU (Geological Service for Europe) project, which is being implemented by a consortium of European geological survey organisations coordinated by EuroGeoSurveys. The project is being implemented within the framework of the Horizon Europe funding program for research and innovation, Programme: Climate, Energy and Mobility. The objectives of the project are to develop European data and information services with a focus on critical raw materials, geothermal energy resources, groundwater resources, climate change information for coastal vulnerability assessment and geological baseline information.

Under the Climate, Energy and Mobility funding program, UAG is also involved in the CEEGS (CO2-Based Electrothermal Energy and Geological Storage System) project, which aims to develop a cross-sectoral technology with a renewable energy storage system for the energy transition.

In response to the global challenges of the 21st century, UAG mobilises geologists and experts from various Earth science fields to actively participate in processes of sustainable development, green transformation, and transition to a greener future (The European Green Deal). This is achieved through fostering constructive dialogue among all stakeholders, both at the national level in Ukraine and globally.

Also, on behalf of the Board of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists, Natalia Chernienko presented the “Honorary Awards of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists” to the leading specialists of the Institute for outstanding achievements in the field of geology.
