The conference was held by the International Association of Technical and Business Cooperation for Geophysical Research and Works in Wells AIS and Nadra Concern CJSC with organizational and informational support by the Ukrainian Association of Geologists. The conference was attended by representatives of Shell and Halliburton. Halliburton chief technical adviser made a presentation on new technology for geophysical exploration of horizontal wells. Other reports were devoted to the new achievement of nuclear-geophysical, acoustic and other research methods, the integration of borehole and field geophysical studies, in particular volumetric seismic exploration.
The conference was attended by more than 80 managers and leading experts of large service companies, factories manufacturing geophysical equipment and instruments, research and design institutes of Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Ukraine.
Field geophysics and geophysical instrumentation of the CIS countries, presented at the Conference by its main companies, were created and developed as a single scientific and production complex, and the majority of geophysical enterprises in Ukraine continue to maintain close ties and cooperation with leading scientific and production companies of these countries. In particular, the main consumers of downhole geophysical instruments manufactured by the Kyiv Geofizprybor plant are service companies in Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and the Central Asian republics. In this regard, the Ukrainian Association of Geologists adopted a Decree on awarding scientists and production organizers, which made a significant contribution to the development of the scientific and technical potential of the exploration industry and geophysical production of our state with honorary distinctions of the Association. V.N.Danilenko, Director General of “Gitas”, was awarded a gold medal for merit, for creation of VSP survey technologies and for monitoring the technical condition of world-class wells; H.A. Gashimov, Department of Geophysics and Geology of DNGK of Azerbaijan, was awarded a silver medal for services, for the creation of an aggregate system of geophysical instruments ASGP and participation in establishing close cooperation of Ukrainian equipment manufacturers with equipment developers and service companies of Azerbaijan, D. Belokon, Deputy Director-General of NaftogazGeofizika, the main customer of nodes and electromechanical blocks of downhole tools produced by Kyiv Geofizpribor plant, a gold medal for services for the development of acoustic logging equipment and the establishment of close ties for cooperation between Ukrainian and Russian enterprises, G. Yatsenko, Director General of Tvergeofizika Research and Production Center, a golden badge of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists and a registered geological hammer, for creating technologies for the comprehensive interpretation of geological and geophysical data for calculating oil and gas reserves and N. Berezovsky, AIS President, a gold medal for his services for the development of scientific and technological progress in the industry, the creation of a professional public organization of well researchers of the AIS Association and a significant contribution to the development of Kyiv Geofizpribor CJSC, while working as the general director of Tyumenpromgeofizika association.
The awards were presented by the Chairman of the Board of UAG P.A. Zagorodniuk.
Specialists of Nadra Concern prepared a number of publications that became the basis for a separate issue of the Logger Magazine, a main professional magazine in the CIS. This issue coincided with the start of the conference. Since the work of the Conference coincided with the celebration of Kyiv Day, a number of excursions to the historical monuments of the city and a walk along the Dnipro with a festive dinner were organized and conducted for foreign guests. The sponsor of these events was Kyiv Plant Geofizpribor CJSC