VII Congress of the Ukrainian Mineralogical Society

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October 05, 2006, 14:31

On 3-4 October 2006, the Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine hosted the VII Congress of the Ukrainian Mineralogical Society. The congress was held partly at the expense of the All-Ukrainian Public Organization "Ukrainian Association of Geologists".

The congress reviewed the report on the scientific and organizational activities of the society for 2001-2006. The main scientific topics of the congress were devoted to urgent problems of the mineralogy in Ukraine. Thanks to significant work of the organizing committee, the mineralogical calendar for 2007 "Native Metals of Western Volhyn" and the 3rd volume of "Notes of the Ukrainian Mineralogical Society" covering all the materials submitted to the congress, were published before the congress.

The candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences A.A.Yasinska (Lviv) was awarded a medal named after academician E.K.Lazarenko, who founded the Ukrainian Association of Geologists jointly with the Ukrainian Mineralogical Society.