VI Congress of Geologists of Ukraine

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November 08, 2017, 14:16

The VI Congress of Geologists brought up the issue of introducing EU standards in Ukraine for the efficient and balanced use of energy, mineral, water and land resources.

Dear colleagues,

The Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) entered into force on 01 September 2017. On October 25, the Government of Ukraine approved the Action Plan for the implementation of this Agreement, which, in fact, determined the European integration as an integral part of the strategic planning of the socio-economic development of the state and led to the urgent need to reform the domestic economy in accordance with the requirements of EU law.

The implementation of the provisions of the Agreement will significantly increase the efficiency and competitiveness of Ukrainian business entities. To achieve this, fruitful cooperation between the government, business, science, industrial associations and non-governmental organizations should be established.

We believe that domestic geologists cannot keep out of these processes. That is why, the VI Congress of Geologists brought up the issue of introducing EU standards in Ukraine for the efficient and balanced use of energy, mineral, water and land resources.

The Association of Geologists prepared proposals for attracting the geological community to implement measures aimed at integrating Ukraine into the European Union, providing for the modernization and intensification of innovative development in the field of environmental management, which should be considered by the congress participants.

This will provide investment support for market participants using natural (energy, mineral, water, and land) resources.

The organizing committee received a large number of applications for participation in the congress and proposals with relevant and significant topics of speeches.

The congress will take place on 07 December 2017 at 10:00 at the Large Conference Hall of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine located at 55 Volodymyrivska St., Kyiv.

Taking into account wishes of the participants, the organizing committee has decided to continue the work of the congress until 14:00 on 08 December 2017 to be held in the format of a "round table".

You are kindly invited you to participate actively in the discussion of this issue on 07 - 08 December 2017 at the VI Congress of Geologists of Ukraine.

Pre-registration is required.