Vein. 68th EAGE Conference

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June 16, 2006, 13:17

The annual 68th conference of the European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers in the field of Earth Sciences (EAGE) took place in the capital of Austria on 12 - 15 June 2006. This time the conference and the industrial exhibition were organized in conjunction with the EUROPEC conference, which is being held by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). The Ukrainian Association of Geologists was an active participant in the conference!

The wide scientific program included plenary presentations, oral and stand presentations in 56 sections, a student forum, scientific and practical seminars, professional development courses (DISC EAGE), a meeting of the executive bodies of the association, geological and sightseeing tours. This conference has become a landmark in the history of EAGE by the largest number of registered participants and guests (almost 5,000) and by the geography of the representation. Thematically, the conference presented all sections of geophysics starting with seismic exploration and theory and programs for processing seismic data and ending with remote geophysics and petrophysics of reservoirs and interpretation of gravimetric and geomagnetic data. Traditionally, the conference features a section with presentations devoted to the study of oil systems, as well as a separate seminar on the problems of carbon dioxide utilization.

Over 250 service and oil companies, organizations, geological agencies from different countries of Europe and the world participated in an industrial exhibition.