Second Field Geological Olympiad

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October 11, 2016, 16:39

The Second Field Geological Olympiad for schoolchildren was held on 07 October 2016.

Organizers: Ukrainian Association of Geologists, Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology" of Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth.

Participants: pupils of 8-10 grades of schools No. 2, 13, 256 in Kyiv.

Chairman of the jury: Professor, Doctor of Geological Sciences Nesterovskyi V.A.

Heads: Krochak M.D., Liventseva H.A., Reshetnyk M.M.

Five teams consisting of members of different ages took part in the competition, that is why the places were not determined.

Weather conditions (rain and cold) did not interfere with young geologists!