Schoolchildren Visited the Institute of Geology

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May 19, 2017, 17:34

On 11 May 2017, students of the 9th grade of specialized school No. 2 named after D.Karbyshev with in-depth study of subjects of the natural cycle (Kyiv, Podilsky district) visited the Educational Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology " at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Children study the specialized course "Fundamentals of Geology".

The schoolchildren got acquainted with the departments of the Institute, visited the lecture hall named after Vernadsky, and the geological museum.

Ninth-grade students were interested in the story told by M.D.Krochak about the future profession of a geologist.

The children were impressed by everything: bright and festive lobby with a sculpture of T.Shevchenko, museum atmosphere, comfort and cleanliness of audiences, fresh green spaces around the building, the smell of lilacs and chestnuts.

The teachers are also pleased with the visit to the Institute.