Salt of the Earth of Poland

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December 11, 2009, 09:53

In late November - early December 2009, Ukrainian geologists - members of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists visited Poland at the invitation of the State Geological Institute. The purpose of the trip was to discuss the contemporary problems of the study of saline formations conducted by scientists of the State Geological Institute of Poland, the Mining and Metallurgical Academy in Krakow, the Institute of Geological Sciences of NAS of Ukraine, and to obtain primary geological information.

Wieliczka - Magnum Sal is the world-famous salt mine museum. The trip began with Krakow and the famous rock salt deposits Wieliczka located in its suburbs. Here is a unique, one-of-a-kind mining company in the world that operates continuously from the early Middle Ages to the present day. The mining of rock salt started here in the 13th century, and the first documentary mention of the Wieliczka salt was the privilege of King Casimir I in 1044, where it was called "Magnum sal alias Wieliczka".

Klodawa Salt Mine is a modern mining enterprise. Klodawa Salt Mine is Poland's largest manufacturer of rock salt and one of the country's active mining companies, where these minerals are mined in a dry way.

Barborka is a professional holiday for Polish geologists and miners. Unlike in Ukraine and other countries of the former USSR, where there are separate professional holidays - Geologist's Day and Miner's Day - our Polish friends celebrate it together on the 4th of December, the day of Saint Barbara, and affectionately called it Barborka.