Title of the executive authority that developed the regulatory act: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine.
Name of the structural unit that developed the regulatory act, along with the address and contact numbers: Department of Prevention of Industrial Pollution and Climate Policy, 35 Metropolitan Vasyl Lipkivsky Street, Kyiv, 03035; Phone: (044) 594-91-05.
The mentioned draft act has been published on the official website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources: www.mepr.gov.ua. The deadline for submitting comments and proposals on the draft act by individuals, legal entities, and their associations is one month from the date of publication. Comments and proposals can be sent to the postal address of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources: 35 Metropolitan Vasyl Lipkivsky Street, Kyiv, 03035, and the email address: info@mepr.gov.ua.