Participation of the Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists Hanna Liventseva in the International Spring School Conference “European Dimensions of Sustainable Development” (Erasmus +)

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April 26, 2019, 13:24

International Spring School and the international scientific and practical conference "European dimensions of sustainable development". Report by the Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists H.A. Liventseva - Educational environmental project "Depths of Earth, Depths of Soul". Over 120 people from different cities of Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Sweden and Germany, among whom were representatives of the faculty and students, business and public organizations, participated in the event.

About 50 reports were presented on current issues of the European Strategy for Sustainable Development, a cyclical economy, and the economic, social and environmental challenges of sustainable development within the framework of the School and the Conference. In the unanimous opinion of the participants, the event significantly enriched them with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills on modern approaches to the sustainable development strategy in the EU and challenges in this area for Ukraine.

The educational project "Depths of Earth, Depths of Soul" is aimed at the formation of the ecological world-view of schoolchildren. Through school and extracurricular environmental education, it is possible and necessary to gradually influence the solution of acute environmental and socio-economic problems facing modern Ukraine. With the goal of attracting students to the Earth science in 2012, the Ukrainian Association of Geologists (UAG) founded the educational project “Depths of Earth, Depths of Soul”, which envisages conveying environmental and natural knowledge to children and young people in various forms, as well as conducting career-oriented activity.

The main components of the project are: children's scientific conferences and readings dedicated to outstanding Ukrainian natural scientists; lectures at the Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth; city and all-Ukrainian quizzes and field Olympiads; excursions to natural museums and specialized educational institutions; seminars for teachers, methodologists and heads of regional methodological associations of geography teachers; teaching an experimental specialized course "Fundamentals of Geology" in schools of Kyiv. In 2017, the Geo-quest “Natural wealth of Ukraine” was carried out with emphasis on the uniqueness of the natural resources of Ukraine, the equal importance of all its regions for the development of the country's economy. Another quest is GEOFEST, where teams of participants pass interesting tests at several stages (locations). During the event, children gain new knowledge about the wealth of Ukrainian mineral resources, in particular, about combustible minerals; learn interesting things from the history of oil and gas production in Ukraine; test their knowledge of natural science and history during scientific quizzes; show creativity at all stages; recall where and how petroleum products are used, and, finally, feel like workers in an oil and gas company. The creative workshop invited participants to try their skills in oil and coal. The Geofest features a photo exhibition dedicated to the history of Ukrainian oil and gas production. At a historical location, children have the opportunity to hold a real kerosene lamp in their hands (as it looked 165 years ago!). GEOFEST has vocational guidance goals and performs primary educational tasks, namely, the formation of the ecological and natural worldview of teenagers. In total, over 50 events were held for students, mentors and parents. Project partners: Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology" of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv; Institute of Geological Sciences, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Geological Museum of the National Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Department of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of the Executive Body of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration), Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education named after Borys Grinchenko; Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth; National Ecological and Naturalistic Center.

The implementation of the project “Depths of Earth, Depths of Soul” involves not only expanding the professional worldview of students but also understanding of ideas about the infinite diversity of our world, the close interconnection and interdependence of all forms of life on a planetary scale. Pupils will learn about the impact on nature not only of humanity as a whole but also of each individual person, as well as about the possible long-term consequences of both industrial and environmental human activities. Such knowledge is necessary for the new generation to build a more harmonious society, which will not conflict and struggle with natural phenomena but will learn to avoid destructive disasters, coordinating their activities with the laws of Nature. The natural (geological and ecological) direction of the Earth sciences is extremely sensitive to socio-political changes in society and the state; thus, it is important to realize the need to prepare the soil for the formation of new generations of researchers and environmentalists.

21st-century society faces unprecedented challenges in complying with resource requirements (in particular, energy, minerals, freshwater) and the ecological environment needs. In the 21st century, natural knowledge gravitates toward the humanitarian aspect, which consists in studying the cause-effect relationships between geological phenomena and human activities. The development of strong natural knowledge through educational institutions and research helps solve problems of rational environmental management, to ensure economic growth and energy stability, as well as public welfare. Continuous investment in such knowledge will allow Ukraine to play one of the leading roles in solving the global problems of Europe and the world.