Оn the way to rational use of resources and ecosystem conservation!

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February 13, 2020, 18:18

This week we took part in a special meeting with representatives of the Public Council of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, other public organizations and heads of departments of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources.

The main objective of the event is public discussion of the Concept of state policy towards achieving the goals 9.6 “Ukrainians use natural resources more efficiently and economically” and 9.7. “Ukrainians preserve natural ecosystems for posterity” of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Program of Activities.

Specific steps for the rational use of natural resources:

  • Implementation competitive and transparent ways of obtaining rights to the use of natural resources;
  • Combating with ‘non-used’ special permits for use of subsoil and optimizing water use;
  • Digitization of information on natural resources;
  • Effective electronic timber accounting and forest inventory;
  • Introduction of an electronic system for tracing the origin of aquatic bioresources;
  • Preventive measures to improve the biological stability of forests.