Olympiad in Tomsk

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August 07, 2012, 11:19

The inclusion of young tourists in the team of the Rivne Oblast Station to participate in the VIII All-Russian Open Field Olympiad for young geologists was not accidental. Responsibility for the preparation of young geologists of Ukraine was assumed by the Deputy Head of the All-Ukrainian Public Organization "Ukrainian Association of Geologists" Hafych Liudmyla Feliksivna and Head of the Rivne Branch of the Association Volnenko Serhii Oleksandrovych.

In the first stage, the desire of young geologists to go to the Olympiad to a neighboring state had to be supported by the permission of their parents, who were explained the purpose of the trip. Summer is a vacation time, and everyone has enough work to do: extra revision of necessary textbooks and manuals, practical classes, medical examinations ... This involves a team form, equipment of each young geologist, collecting drawings and photos for the design of stands, collections, meals, all is important and needs a lot of attention. The program is saturated and painted in minutes. Waking up, doing exercises, assemblies and breaks, meetings of team heads, team consultations, lunches and dinners combine well with contests and main competitions. Moreover, there are daily study tours to Tomsk museums, excursion trips to outcrops and quarries of the region.