Meeting of the Club Named after Academician V.I.Vernadskyi

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June 21, 2019, 17:33

Venue: premises of the Institute of Geology of KNU named after Taras Shevchenko - meeting room of the Scientific Council, audience named after V.I.Vernadskyi, Geological Museum (90 Vasylkivska St., Kyiv).

Present: Vice-President of NAS of Ukraine Academician A.G.Zahorodnii, Academician O.S. Onishchenko, Academician O.M. Ponomarenko, Corresponding Member V.I. Popyk, Verhovna Rada Deputy M.M. Shevchenko, L.M. Yaremenko, H.A. Liventseva, K.E.Novohatskyi, M.I. Proskura, Professors V.I. Pavlyshyn, V.A. Mikhailov, S.E. Shnyukov, S.A.Vizhva, V.A. Vizhva, Associate Professor I.V. Kvasnytsia.

At the Meeting, the following reports were delivered:

  1. Opening address by the Chairman of the Commission of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on Scientific Heritage of Academician V.I. Vernadsky - A.G.Zahorodnii
  2. O.S. Onishchenko. A brief historical review.
  3. V.I. Pavlyshyn. V.I. Vernadsky in Poltava and Kyiv regions.


Commission of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on Scientific Heritage of Academician V.I. Vernadsky, created on the initiative of academician of NAS of Ukraine K.M.Sytnyk in 1987 and headed by him for more than two decades, helps organize anniversary events and scientific publications, coordinates the search and research of materials from the creative achievements of the scientist.

In addition, the Commission, together with the Presidium of NAS of Ukraine, made several attempts to organize the reconstruction of the Vernadsky house located on Butova mountain in Shyshaky. The project of reconstruction of this building developed by Prof., Arch.V.M.Hubar and Zh.I.Ishchenko has repeatedly considered at the meeting of the Commission (1994, 2008, 2009, 2012). Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “On Celebration of the 140th Anniversary of Birth of Academician V.I.Vernadsky" No. 3069-III as of 07 February 2002 recommends the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to develop measures for the reconstruction of the house and property of V.I.Vernadsky in the village of Shyshaky, Poltava region, and create a memorial museum named after the scientist. The commission with the involvement of specialists has already worked out archival materials and developed project documentation, and NAS of Ukraine is interested in the implementation of this project.