The seminar was organized by the National Museum of Natural History with the support of the Institute of Geological Sciences of NASU, the State Gemological Center, the All-Ukrainian Public Organization "Ukrainian Association of Geologists", State Enterprise "Ukrainian Geological Company", and International Charitable Foundation "Ukrainian Family". The scientific forum has been attended by more than 50 scientists from Ukraine and Russia, including young scientists: students, graduate students, doctoral students of scientific institutions of NAS of Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and the Kyiv Geological Exploration College, who are interested in amber issues.
The discovery and development of a number of deposits of loose amber in the last two decades have revealed a complex of unsolved scientific-theoretical and practical problems of the geology of this gem. First of all, it is a question of the genesis and spatial position of the indigenous primary source of amber, without which a scientifically sound forecast of industrial fields is impossible. In addition, in recent years, there have been new problems in Ukraine related to exploration in the Polesie, environmental protection and many others.
At the seminar, the following audience reports aroused the most interest of the audience: Matsui V.M. Ground-marsh stage of fossilization of vegetable pitches; Koltovoi N.A., Matsui V.M. Fluorescence Amber Research Methods; Khamaiko N.V., Koltovoi M.O., Zhurukhina O.Iu. Amber from the archaeological site of the Kyiv Podil. 2008; Mylovanov S.I. and others. The amber treasure in the excavations of Vladimir-na-Klyazma.
An important result of the seminar is the establishment of promising directions for further research in the field of scientific forecast of amber-succinite placers, as well as the acquaintance of scientists and student youth with the problems of amber geology in Ukraine.