International Conference “Ti - 2007 in the CIS”

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April 19, 2007, 12:29

On April 15 - 18, Yalta hosted the international conference "Ti - 2007 in the CIS", organized by the Interstate Association Titan, which brings together enterprises, research and design institutions from the CIS countries in the field of research, mining and processing of titanium raw materials. The representatives of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists were among the participants.

In total, the conference was attended by about 300 specialists from scientific organizations, leading titanium ore mining companies, titanium raw material processors, metallurgical enterprises, design institutes, higher educational institutions of Belarus, China, South Korea, Russia, the USA, Sweden, Ukraine, and Japan.

The plenary and sectional sessions involved about 60 reports. 45 of them were presented in the form of stand and related to the issues of the conference, namely: - raw materials for the titanium industry; - metal science and technology of titanium alloys; - marketing and applications of titanium alloys.