International Conference “Shale Gas Results in Europe-2011”

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June 02, 2011, 15:38

On 31 May to 1 June 2011, Warsaw hosted Shale Gas results in Europe 2011 based on shale gas research in Europe.

This is the second Global Shale Gas Summit (the first was held in Warsaw in July 2010).

The event was organized by the American Business Conference with the assistance of the Polish Geological Institute and the support of sponsoring companies: Baker Hughes, CDM, Weatherford, Multi-Chem, ION, Diinternational, Schlumberger, as well as active participants: Champion Technologies, Nexen Petroleum International, Core Lab, LNG Energy LTD, San Leon Energy, Canadian Quantum energy Corporation, Imperial College London and others. The Ukrainian Association of Geologists was among the active participants.

About 140 professionals from all over the world have registered to participate in the conference. The very fact that the conference was held in Warsaw indicates that Poland is taking active steps towards exploring unconventional gas resources.

During the two days of the conference, 20 reports of various topics were presented to the audience, in particular on the study of problems of shale gas production in Poland and other European countries and in the world. The issues raised at the conference dealt with a wide range of geological and geochemical problems, environmental protection, well drilling and intensification technologies, economic feasibility, and the regulation of shale gas research.

The reports were marked by the depth of the material, the high illustrative nature and the desire of the authors to convey the information to the listeners. Each report was followed by discussions, which were also aimed at comprehensive consideration of the key issues raised by the report.