II International Conference “Geological Monuments - Vivid Evidence of Earth's Evolution”

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May 23, 2011, 13:27

On 16-20 May 2011, the Kamianets-Podilsky National Pedagogical University named after Ivan Ogienko hosted a scientific and practical conference "Geological monuments - vivid evidence of Earth's evolution" held on the initiative of the Department of Geology Museum of the National Science Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and with the support of the National Natural Park (NNP) Podilsky Tovtry.

The event was organized by the Ukrainian Association of Geologists, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, State Service of Geology and Mines of Ukraine, State Gemological Center, Ukrainian State Geological Research Institute (UkrDGRI), Institute of Geological Sciences of NASU, European Association for the Conservation of Geological Heritage (PROGEO), Institute for Basic Research of the Ukrainian Scientific Association and Geomandry LLC.

At the present stage of society's development, the preservation of geological heritage is one of the urgent and acute problems. Therefore, the main purpose of the international conference was to exchange the results of scientific research, organizational and scientific and practical work in such areas as the legislative base, management, monitoring and protection of geological heritage, minimizing the risk of its destruction.

Prior to the beginning of the Second International Scientific and Practical Conference, organizers published the conference materials and a guide to geological excursions. The collection includes 76 scientific works.

During the plenary session, the conference participants discussed the theoretical and practical aspects of exploring geological heritage in the following areas: 1. Geological sites (definition, classification, geological structure, lithologic-stratigraphic and mineralogical features, correlation, etc.). 2. Legislative basis of geological heritage, relevance and prospects of formation of geological parks. 3. Typing, standardization, classification and universalization of geological heritage. 4. Management, monitoring and protection of the geological heritage, the danger of its destruction. Geoecological aspect. 5. Tourism and promotion of geological sites (educational geological practices, geological trails, routes, information support, archaeological aspect, etc.). 6. Geological sites - open-air museums; geological heritage in museum exhibitions.

The participants of the conference had the opportunity to visit the geological monuments of the Dniester valley and its main tributaries, to take part in trips to natural objects of national importance: "Kytaihorodske Outcrop", "Smotrytskyi Canyon", the wetland of international importance "Bakotska Bay" and the outcrop within the Dniester Canyon National Park.