Global status of CCS report 2023

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November 10, 2023, 16:27

This report of the Global CCS Instutute documents the milestones for carbon capture and storage in 2023, as it is increasingly adopted globally, and defines the key opportunities and challenges for the coming years.

The data is provided by the Global CCS Instutute to inform and help accelerate deployment of this proven emissions reduction technology as an integral part of meeting global climate targets.

The status report provides a global snapshot of CCS progress, highlighting the rapid development of CCS across North America, Asia Pacific, Europe and the UK, and the MENA region in 2023.

Key takeaways:

  • The CO₂ capture capacity of all CCS facilities under development has grown to 361 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) – growth of 48% since the 2022 report.
  • 198 new facilities have been added to the development pipeline bringing the current total to 41 projects in operation, 26 under construction and 325 in advanced and early development.
  • The level of policy support from governments has reached an historic high in 2023, strengthening the business case for CCS and resulting in the CCS project pipeline growing more rapidly in the past year than ever before.
