Future of coal-petrography (based on the materials of a scientific-practical seminar in St. Petersburg)

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June 27, 2011, 14:11

On 21-24 June 2011, St. Petersburg hosted a scientific and practical seminar on coal petrography. Among the participants of the seminar were active members of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists, authors of The Geologist of Ukraine Magazine.

The seminar discussed a complex of modern coal-petrographic studies in order to bring domestic coal-petrographic classifications in line with existing international classifications, as well as to increase the accuracy of laboratory determinations of petrographic parameters in the study of coal, oil shale, scattered organic matter (SOM).

The scientific-practical seminar discussed the following topics:

  1. Study and determination of the maceral composition of coal.
  2. Estimation and measurement of vitrinite reflection index, calculation of vitrinite reflection anisotropy.
  3. Material-petrographic classifications of coal and SOM.
  4. Applied coal-petrographic methods (determination of oxidation, enrichment of coal, prognosis of coking coal and charge, etc.).

The problem is the lack of coordination of petrographic, carbon-chemical studies, sometimes - the lack of a laboratory base, equipped at the present level of development of science, and sometimes - the lack of elementary opportunities to perform work at the proper height.

An integral part of the seminars is practical training in coal-petrographic, coal-chemical laboratories, familiarization with the processes of work in the grinding laboratory.

Such sessions actively discussed the classification of macerals, the quality of measuring instruments for obtaining vitrinite reflection data. Immediate acquaintance with new objects, live, easy discussion of issues allows to solve some problems.