Doors Open Day at the Institute of Geology

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December 21, 2016, 12:28

On December 16, the Institute of Geology met the guests of schools and colleges of the capital and other cities. Students of 7-9 grades of the following Kyiv schools came to the Institute: Gymnasium No. 167, Secondary School No. 13 (headed by M. Reshetnyk), Secondary School No. 2 (headed by H. Liventseva), and schoolchildren from Oster.

The Institute was visited by students of the College of Geological Exploration Technologies of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and the Drogobych College of Oil and Gas, as well as foreign students from the preparatory department of our university from Egypt, China, and Turkey (Curator - T. Pasechnyk). In total, over 45 schoolchildren and students visited the Institute that day.

In a well-equipped audience named after V.I. Vernadsky guests were addressed by the Director of the Institute prof. V.A.Mykhailov, prof. of the Department of Geology of Oil and Gas V.V. Ogar. They talked about the structure of the institute, the direction of preparation of bachelors and masters, the conditions for joining the ranks of students, and employment prospects. In particular, a graduate of the Institute, candidate of geological sciences A.A. Tolkunov, who had been successfully working for Ukrgeofizika for many years, shared with the guests his impressions of studying at the university and his own experience of working in a well-known production geophysical organization.

Prof. A.V. Mytrokhin demonstrated the possibilities of studying rocks under a petrographic microscope and on a large screen. Under the guidance of Assoc. A.V. Dubin, the guests for the first time ever saw what gold looked like in an ore microscope. Head of the Department of Geoinformatics prof. V.I. Zatserkovnyi met with the schoolchildren of his native 13th school and told them about the prospects of geoinformation technologies in Earth sciences, giving the school his scientific papers.

Teachers of the Department of General and Historical Geology (Acad. A.S. Ogienko and Assoc. L.S.Kiselevych) not only talked about the paleontology and the development of life on Earth but also presented souvenirs to schoolchildren - fossils of bivalves and belemnites.

An excursion to the Geological Museum turned out to be especially interesting for visitors. Here, as part of the Doors Open Day, engineers A.N. Vakulenko and A.V. Turkevych held 7 excursions.

The exhibits stored in the halls of the Geological Museum clearly demonstrate the occurrence of the Earth and its geological history, various exogenous and endogenous processes, the evolution of organisms, as well as minerals, rocks, ore and non-metallic minerals. Crystals, which were grown by students, who studied at the Institute in different years, were diverse in shape, size, and color and did not leave anyone indifferent. The symbol of our Geological Museum is the unique skeleton of a mammoth, which occupies a central place in the exposition and is a traditional place for photographing.

The organizers of the Doors Open Day express their sincere gratitude to the teachers, heads of geological clubs, pupils and students for their activity.