Discovery Drilling Equipment Introduces New Drilling Rig

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September 28, 2012, 09:51

On 27 September 2012, an international drilling company Discovery Drilling Equipment introduced the mobile drilling rig CA700D-V-W 125T in Stryi, Lviv region

Discovery Drilling Equipment is an international company that designs and manufactures various types of advanced drilling rigs for oil and gas companies. Wide technical capabilities for design, original engineering and technical developments, high-quality production, assembly and installation of products, clear organization of supply, operational project management, training of customer personnel in their own advanced training center, after-sales service of the installation or equipment, all this has been already appreciated by the company's customers.

Together with the drilling rig, the customer is provided with a full package of technical documentation and operating instructions, quality certificates, warranty forms, liability insurance policies for the quality of products, etc.

Supply chain management is one of the most important activities of the company. A unique database of sources of materials and components is used in all countries of the world, which allows them to offer their customers the best products at affordable prices. Discovery Company places particular emphasis on the production of complete rigs that can be operated in various climatic conditions - from the Middle East (Oman), North Africa (Nigeria), South America (Bolivia), Central Asia (Turkmenistan) and Europe (England and Poland) and to the north of Russia. The offshore platform with a carrying capacity of 1,000 tons, which was assembled in Indonesia by order of the United States, is now operating in the Atlantic Ocean.