Congratulations! Nadra Group is 20!

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April 26, 2011, 14:33

The year 2011 is a special year for Nadra Group, a leading service structure of Ukraine's exploration industry. 20 years ago, in 1991, the first organization was launched. Today it has grown into a powerful holding, uniting 10 companies.

Nadra Group provides a wide range of services and solutions for the exploration and development of oil and gas and unconventional sources of hydrocarbon raw materials: from the geological assessment of exploration territories to management of their development, from the design and arrangement of facilities for exploitation, optimization and intensification of extraction to information support and consulting.

Nadra Group provides financial and information support to the Ukrainian Association of Geologists, publishes a number of scientific and popular scientific publications.

A gift to future geologists of Ukraine, to those boys and girls who have not yet decided on the choice of profession, was the publication of Rostislav Furdia's book "The Sun and the Wind's Brother" (about geologists and geology in a clear way), published by Nadra Group on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the holding company.

The main celebration events took place in a working atmosphere. Participants and guests of the 15th International Oil and Gas 2011 Exhibition held at the Kyiv International Exhibition Center on November 1-3 this year were able to attend the briefing and conference of the Nadra Group dedicated to its 20th anniversary.

The speakers have stressed that Nadra Group does not stop there during its 20-year period of activity. It is a modern company that is intensively developing, able to respond quickly to the needs of the market, always open to mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields of activity.

We congratulate on the anniversary and wish to continue to be an exemplary company whose activities meet the world standards!