City Field Geological Olympiad 2016

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May 24, 2016, 15:38

On 20 May 2016, the Babi Yar Park hosted the City Field Geological Olympiad, which was organized and conducted by the Department of Tourism, Local History and Patriotic Education of the Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth together with the National Museum of Natural Sciences of NAS of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Association of Geologists.

The Olympiad was attended by schoolchildren from three schools in Kyiv, who have been studying "Fundamentals of Geology" for two years, and members of the Geology Club at the Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth. The organizers have prepared an interesting list of tasks on orientation on the terrain, on field work on the removal of rocks, the description of observation points, on the skills of sampling and documentation of samples, keeping geological diaries and more. The task of field equipment observation, determination of the natural radioactivity of the soil and rocks under a given network and map construction was an interesting stage of the Olympiad.

Everyone had enough work. While one part of the team competed in stages, the other demonstrated practical skills in preparing for a geologist's night (setting up tents). After competitions, students performed practical tasks to identify samples of minerals and rocks, describe paleontological remains of fauna and prints of flora. In the end, the teams demonstrated the jury colored newspapers, made by the schoolchildren during the Olympiad.

After summarizing, the jury identified teams that showed the best knowledge and skills at different stages, awarded all teams with certificates, souvenir prizes, candies and personal certificates of the Olympiad participant. In terms of total points, the team of the secondary school No. 2was the most prepared in the natural direction.