Annual Report on Implementation of Reforms in the energy and environment sectors by Ukraine and Determination of Priorities for 2019

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April 19, 2019, 15:29

Presentation of the annual report on the status of implementation of Ukraine's reforms in the energy and environment sectors and determination of priorities for 2019.

Experts will talk about achievements and challenges on the following topics: gas, electricity, energy efficiency, business climate in the energy and oil sectors, and the environment. Participants: Svitlana Holikova, independent expert, head of TransEnergoConsulting, Roman Nitsovych, project and program manager at DIXY GROUP, Gennadii Riabtsev, independent expert, Nataliia Andrusevych, key expert at the Resource and Analysis Center for Society and the Environment, Tetiana Boiko, program coordinator of the OPORA civil network, Oleksandra Gumeniuk, expert of the Association "European-Ukrainian Agency"

Regular monitoring of the implementation by Ukraine of the Association Agreement with the EU in these sectors is carried out by 6 working groups under the project “Increasing the influence of civil society in monitoring and political dialogue regarding reforms in the energy sector and related sectors in accordance with the implementation of the Association Agreement”. The project is funded by the European Union and the International Renaissance Fund. The messaging is created as part of the project “Increasing the influence of civil society in monitoring and political dialogue regarding reforms in the energy sector and related sectors in accordance with the implementation of the Association Agreement” funded by the European Union. Dixy Group together with the OPORA civic network, the all-Ukrainian public organization "Energy Association of Ukraine", the resource and analytical center "Society and Environment", and the Association "European-Ukrainian Agency" are fully responsible for the content of the message. Its content does not reflect the official position of the European Union. The main conclusion is that reforms in all areas have slowed down. It is necessary to gain pace in 2019.