The conference presented 658 oral and standing scientific reports in 65 separate scientific sessions, mostly geophysical. The number of conference participants was about 6000, which proves a successful choice for the organizers of the place and time of its holding.
The gigantic industrial exhibition in three pavilions featured exhibitions of 289 national and transnational oil and service companies, research organizations, professional associations and publishing houses. The geography of the reports was quite significant - the results were presented by scientists from almost all countries of Europe, the Middle East, as well as the USA, Canada, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, etc. Before the conference, the organizers released a CD-ROM with the program and a full collection of extended abstracts.
Ukraine was represented at the conference with 11 papers (2 oral and 9 stand reports), some of which were supported by the PACE Foundation sponsorship program.
At the exhibition, Ukraine was represented by the booth pavilions of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists and the All-Ukrainian Association of Geoinformatics. In total, about 30 delegates from Ukraine, practically all leading geological prospecting organizations and oil and gas exploration companies, attended the conference.
Unfortunately, it should be noted that the number of Ukrainian speakers does not increase with the number of EAGE participants from Ukraine. This can be explained by the ever-increasing demands on the quality of the reports being submitted for review and by certain trends that are now being observed in the professional community in general.
Part of the reports is devoted to the analysis of the resource base of the oil and gas basins of the European continent and the adjacent seas, the newest methods of seismic data processing and interpretation, and studies in near-surface geophysical surveying. The conference featured 13 scientific seminars (with the participation of 850 attendees) and 2 lectures on advanced training (DISC Program).