In accordance with the main direction of its activity and to achieve global goals, including the processes of green transformation and green transition, the UAG posts your news on this page, which you can send to the address:
April 29, 2019, 10:03 | UAG is a participant of a meeting of the Public Council under the Ministry of Natural Resources |
Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists H.A. Liventseva and member of the Board N.M. Chernienko took part in a meeting of the Public Council under the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources. |
April 26, 2019, 13:24 | Participation of the Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists Hanna Liventseva in the International Spring School Conference “European Dimensions of Sustainable Development” (Erasmus +) |
International Spring School and the international scientific and practical conference "European dimensions of sustainable development". Report by the Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists H.A. Liventseva - Educational environmental project "Depths of Earth, Depths of Soul". Over 120 people from different cities of Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Sweden and Germany, among whom were representatives of the faculty and students, business and public organizations, participated in the event. |
April 19, 2019, 15:29 | Annual Report on Implementation of Reforms in the energy and environment sectors by Ukraine and Determination of Priorities for 2019 |
Presentation of the annual report on the status of implementation of Ukraine's reforms in the energy and environment sectors and determination of priorities for 2019. |
April 16, 2019, 11:17 | Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists - speaker at the meeting “Open Platform Energy Industry” |
CSR Center meeting "Open Platform: Energy Industry" took place at the premises of the DTEK Academy at 3 Dorogozhitska St., Kyiv, UnitCity, building 12, Openness room. Apt. 246, 02152 Kyiv Within the framework of the meeting held in the format of an "open platform" representatives of companies, universities, entrepreneurs and industry experts: - discussed key problems and needs of the energy industry; - developed joint solutions and further steps to cooperation. |
April 12, 2019, 10:48 | ENERGY EFFICIENCY Forum with the participation of the Association |
The forum features the presentation of already implemented energy efficiency projects in industry, the public sector, communities, and construction. |